October 2021 Newsletter


Upcoming opportunities, events and workshops

Support Agency Spotlight – BDC

In case you missed it – Recap and video link to our September Entrepreneur Ecosystem Coffee Break: Together Again!

Entrepreneur Spotlight – Edwina Bateman, AVAIL HR Training Solutions

How to connect with us!



Navigate presents: October Entrepreneur Ecosystem Coffee Break – Pre-Small Business Week Kickoff!

Join us to find out what is happening during small business week that will run from October 17th until the 24th.

When: October 15th, 3 pm – 4 pm

Please register in advance here.

This is a free online event.

In partnership with Spicer Facilitation and Learning




(Small Business Week, Oct. 17 – 24)

Navigate presents: An Afternoon of Wellness for Entrepreneurs

Join Navigate this Small Business Week for an afternoon focused on the unique wellness needs of the busy entrepreneur!

The past 18 months of disruption, uncertainty and a rapidly changing business landscape have left entrepreneurs feeling physically and emotionally drained. As we come together again this Small Business Week to build the way forward by discussing the solutions and opportunities that lie ahead for Canadian entrepreneurs, let’s take a moment to regroup, refocus and recharge so that we can tackle the challenges ahead with renewed clarity, energy and purpose.

When: October 20, 2021
Cost: Free
Location: Grenfell Campus (location details to follow)

Register now to reserve your spot.
Masks required. Double vaccination strongly recommended.


Session 1: Wellness Workshop for Entrepreneurs (1pm-2:30pm)
Join fellow entrepreneur Alison Butler of Alison Butler Consulting as she walks you through 10 ways to make time for wellness in your busy day and helps you plan your wellness roadmap for the busy months ahead.

10 Ways To Make Time For Wellness In Your Busy Day
Many of us feel stress and overwhelm connected to our work. As stress increases, we often let wellness practices slide, or put them on the back burner of our priority lists. This interactive workshop will help you:

· Learn how to build wellbeing (mental & physical) into your busy day.
· Learn practical tips to make new wellbeing habits and practices stick.
· Learn how to creatively support your own wellbeing when it feels like there is no time.

Bio: Alison Butler is a business owner, Mental Health First Aid trainer from St. John’s, NL teaching virtually across Canada and an advocate for self-care and being the BEST version of ourselves. She shares more of her personal journey and reasons for working on her own mental wellbeing. Alison will lead an invigorating and inspiring workshop focused on making more time for ourselves.


Session 2: Guided Meditation for Entrepreneurs: Moving Forward with Clarity (2:45pm-3:45pm)
Join fellow entrepreneur Sharon Evans of Seva Meditation as she takes you through a guided meditation journey tailored for entrepreneurs on the theme of Moving Forward with Clarity.

Bio: Sharon Evans, CHSEP, founder and owner of SEVA Meditation. A business built on passion based on research, well-being and humanitarianism. An accredited meditation expert and business professional with over 30 years in the educational and corporate world.
Sharon trained in Transcendental Meditation from the Maharishi Institute and is a certified Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor from the Chopra Centre University, Carlsbad, CA.



NAVIGATE Small Business Week Networking and Info Sessions

Navigate has been busy! We have lots of good news to share.
Free to attend. Masks required and double vaccination strongly recommended.

Please register in advance here.




Small Business Week with BDC


BDC Small Business Week 2021

As the economy roars back to life, it’s become clear that the past 18 months have fast-forwarded long-term disruption. From growing labour shortages and the rise of remote work, to the expansion of digital business and increasingly frequent climate events; Canadian entrepreneurs will need to focus on innovation, inclusion and sustainability to maintain their growth amidst these changes.

For BDC Small Business Week 2021, let’s join together to discuss the opportunities that lie ahead for Canadian entrepreneurs.

To learn more about the events happening through BDC, visit their events page.



Navigate Presents:
Jose Lam Startup Event

(In light of the recent climbing numbers of Covid cases in the province, this event has been pushed back to the end of November.)

When: November 26 – 28

Startup Event is an action-packed, three-day event that tackles one of the hardest parts of starting a new business: starting! Come work in teams to experience the thrills and pains of starting a real company, and meet fantastic mentors, coaches, and investors.

In tribute of the late Dr. Jose Lam – champion of entrepreneurship in Western NL.

Please register in advance here.

Masks required. Double vaccination strongly recommended.




Become a change maker!

MCE Presents: Memorial University is pleased to be a partner in Experience Ventures, powered by the Hunter Hub for Entrepreneurial Thinking at the University of Calgary.

Experience Ventures creates paid entrepreneurial thinking placements for students with innovative companies in Canada, providing students with the opportunity to make an impact alongside real-world innovators.

To find out more about Experience Ventures, and how you can apply, contact Enaya AbdElGaber at [email protected] or visit our website.

Students of Grenfell: Enaya is coming to Navigate for an in-person info session at Grenfell Navigate on Wednesday, October 13th at 12 pm. Students can drop by to learn more!



During September’s Entrepreneur Ecosystem Coffee Break – Together Again: Navigating our rights, responsibilities and safety as NL reopens – we joined Amanda Nash, Labour and Employment Lawyer with McInnes Cooper to discuss how to balance our rights and responsibilities, and find ways to keep our businesses, employees, clients and loved ones safe as we come together again.

Amanda delved into the many areas of concern to small business owners including:
1. vaccination and masking requirements
2. employee safety accommodations and remote work requests
3. individual risk assessment for businesses
4. liability and other legal implications of Covid for your business
5. developing reasonable policies and procedures to support you and your business through these challenging times.

Watch the video HERE.

For more information on the resources discussed during the session visit: www.mcinnescooper.com/

This month’s coffee break also provided local entrepreneurs and support organizations a platform to highlight their businesses and programs including:

Andrew Hibbitts and Kelli Radford, RDÉE TNL, Mainland
RDEE TNL provides support to francophone and bilingual entrepreneurs. Contact Andrew at [email protected] and Kelli at [email protected] or visit www.rdeetnl.ca for details.

Brent Decker and Miranda Maddox, Economic Development Officers, Industry, Energy & Technology, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
For more information on programs and services visit: https://www.gov.nl.ca/iet/funding/

Chad Willis, Rebel Roots, Meadows
Chad is in the early stages of starting a small farming operation in Meadows and is currently in the process of creating a new website. Stay tuned for details as this business grows, literally!

Edwina Bateman, Avail HR Training Solutions, Port aux Basques
From empowering employees to customized leadership development, Avail provides a learning experience that will assist organizations break through communication barriers to build a happier, healthier and more engaged workplace. For more information contact Edwina at [email protected] or 709-694-3513 or visit www.avaiilhr.com.

A huge thank you again to Amanda Nash for her in depth insights and to everyone who attended this session! We look forward to connecting with you during our next virtual coffee break on October 15th!




This month’s Navigate Spotlight focuses on AVAIL HR Training Solutions. Owner/Trainer Edwina Bateman has a comprehensive understanding of the key demands on operating a business. Throughout her working career, she committed to a high standard of human resources management that has contributed significantly to maximizing organizational productivity while playing a key role in ensuring the attainment of bottom-line objectives.

Ms. Bateman is an accomplished professional with a Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree in Human Resources Management. She obtained “excellent” grading in Human Relations, Marketing Management and Organizational Behaviour – all of which are critical to Human Resource mandatory requirements in any successful business. We caught up with Ms. Bateman, whose business has been operating in Port aux Basques since 2016, to learn more about her company.

Navigate: Tell us about yourself and your new business venture.

EB: AVAIL provides impactful learning and development training that will contribute to increased employee engagement, sculpt authentic leaders and influence a high-performance work culture. We do this through our HR TRAINING SOLUTIONS, including the new 2021 Canadian Connections Leadership Journey Program that connects ALL levels of Leaders; seven Everything DiSC® Solutions, one and three-day Five Behaviors™ Teambuilding programs; and many customized Soft Skills Workshops.

Navigate: Who are your clients?

EB: AVAIL has worked with a wide array of enterprises across various sectors. From one-day workshops to week-long certification training, AVAIL has provided in-person and virtual training to clients ranging from small-sized hotel staff, to supervisors at a major Canadian mining company, to recognized provincial university and college institutions. Some examples are the Leading Edge Credit Union, Deer Lake Regional Airport, Grenfell, CNA, Town of Channel-Port aux Basques and Premier Siding and Windows.

Navigate: What is your promise to your clients?

EB: From empowering employees, to customized leadership development, AVAIL provides a learning experience that will assist organizations break through communication barriers and build a happier, healthier and more engaged workplace. AVAIL promises to be a partner you can trust, that will execute a strategy with purpose and bring great value.

Navigate: What are your main objectives?

EB: We aim to build alliances with organizations that share the same high-standard client service solutions; in order to provide professional and value-added training solutions and create a more engaged and productive workplace.

Navigate: What advice do you have for entrepreneurs who are just starting out?

EB: While starting a new business can be exciting, it can also be overwhelming and intimidating. Surround yourself with people who share your passion for your work and move forward with your ideas. Secondly, too many entrepreneurs tend to rest easy on their existing knowledge but what differentiates the successful businesspeople from the average is they never stop learning and evolving. A third bit of advice is to set goals, and equally as important, share these goals with your team so they can become part of your vision and cascade meaning.

Trust is probably one of the most important ingredients of being a successful entrepreneur. Build that trust with your team and your clients. Trust given creates trust extended back.

For more information about AVAIL and their services, check out their website here, or contact Edwina:
t: 709-694-3513
e: [email protected]

Navigate Small Business
Navigate Small Business