
May 2022 Newsletter



Upcoming events and opportunities

Exciting news from Navigate – Navigate Partners with EcoBloc

Entrepreneur Spotlight – Dawson Greene, Green Head Growers

Board Spotlight – Jennifer Shears, NaturaL boutique, Gros Morne Wildlife Museum, Navigate Board Member

In case you missed it – Recap and video link to our April Entrepreneur Ecosystem Coffee Break: Indigenous Entrepreneurship

Calling all mentors! How to connect with us!




Navigate presents: May Entrepreneur Ecosystem Coffee Break – Start-up support for International Entrepreneurs

Are you an international student or a new Canadian who is considering starting a business and are wondering where to start?

Join us this May 18th to learn about the many resources that are available to help you start a business in Canada while connecting with a network of entrepreneurs, mentors and support organizations that are here to help you succeed.

Our monthly Entrepreneur Ecosystem Coffee Break sessions offer a free informal platform for entrepreneurs to share insights and to connect with each other and with support agencies, experts and potential clients, all while promoting their businesses, products and services.

We look forward to seeing you there!

May 18 from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Please register in advance here!
This is a free online event.
In partnership with Spicer Facilitation and Learning


NLOWE’s 2022 Virtual Conference

Check out the remaining events as part of this year’s NLOWE conference.page3image56449600


Bounce Health Innovation Month

We’re very excited to announce that the inaugural Health Innovation Month will be taking place during the month of May!

Stay tuned to learn more about the events that will be taking place throughout the month!page5image56450368

You can also learn more by checking out the Health Innovation Month website at


Tools to Schedule Your Social Media – Digital is DoAble

Free digital marketing tips and tools from Guide to the Good

Date and Time: May 11th 10:20 – 10:30am

Blurb – Social media is an important part of digital marketing, but posting can be overwhelming. Luckily, there are free tools that help make the job easier.

Join here!page5image56452288page5image56452480



Navigate Partners with EcoBloc

EcoBloc, a Newfoundland and Labrador-based technology company, will start manufacturing its rodent exclusion product in Corner Brook, NL, this spring/summer.

“I grew up in Corner Brook. I know we have talented people living here and away who would like to return home for the right opportunity,” said Jason Trask, CEO of EcoBloc.

EcoBloc’s military-grade technology uses ultrasonic sound to keep mice, rats and other rodents out of buildings, stopping the problem before it begins. The company started at the beginning of the global pandemic and has clients in Canada, the United States, Australia and Hong Kong.

“We are thrilled with the results our early clients have experienced – more than 99.99% efficacy,” said Mr. Trask. “We are currently talking with some of the biggest companies in the world about adopting our technology globally.”

EcoBloc has been in discussions with Navigate manager Allison Rowe for the last several months looking for ways to collaborate.

“Navigate is very eager to support this exciting business venture right here in Western NF,” said Ms. Rowe. “We look forward to working with EcoBloc over the coming months to help them further develop and grow their business and are excited to welcome them at the new Business Incubator and Makerspace located at the new Centre for Research and Innovation in Corner Brook.”

In the short term, EcoBloc is committing to manufacturing only in Corner Brook.

“We are in discussions with companies in North America, and Asia regarding our permanent manufacturing facility,” said Mr. Trask. “We want our permanent manufacturing base to be Corner Brook, but we need to be confident that we can attract the talent, and keep costs globally competitive before making that decision.”

Regardless of manufacturing outcomes, EcoBloc will conduct all its R&D for future products in Corner Brook, including the AI-based software that will complement its IoT (Internet of Things) products.

EcoBloc is currently looking to hire and contract with skilled engineers and technicians, specifically positions for an Electronics Technician, Embedded Software Developer, and Electronic Hardware Engineer.

“Whether you are a recent post-secondary graduate or you have been in the workforce for years, we are interested in speaking with you,” said Mr. Trask. “The first batch of units we make in Corner Brook are destined for the Hong Kong market.
EcoBloc is a great place for someone interested in working for a startup that is committed to improving the environment, human and animal health, and global food security. Anyone interested can reach out to Erin at



Navigate Business Entrepreneur Internship participant Dawson Greene, who owns and operates Green Head Growers, is the subject of our Navigate Entrepreneurship Spotlight this month. Located in Mainland on the Port au Port Peninsula, Green Head Growers uses hydroponic systems in two greenhouses.

Navigate: Tell us a bit about your company!

DG: We are an agriculture company specializing in hydroponics. We currently have two greenhouses. One is just for the summer, where we test different varieties of plants. The other, which we just opened, is a commercial greenhouse, capable of producing 15,000 heads of lettuce each year. We’re producing about 1,000 heads per week at the moment – five or six different types of lettuce and leafy greens, the majority being Romaine lettuce.

Navigate: What are your main objectives?

DG: We started this business to create jobs and boost the economy for our community. In addition, we realized that the quality of produce in our province isn’t the best and would like to ensure that our people have access to high quality, fresh produce.

Navigate: What is your promise to your clients?

DG: Our lettuce crop is grown without the use of soil; therefore, there is no E. coli or other types of bacteria to contend with – only water and nutrients. We are trying to be as organic as we can, and to provide competitively priced, fresh produce all year long.

Navigate: Who are your clients?

DG: We see our customer base as local. We’re currently trying to determine distribution. The plan is to sell as much locally as possible, through farmers markets, and perhaps through local grocery stores.page10image56456320

Navigate: What advice do you have for entrepreneurs who are just starting out?
DG: Find something you enjoy doing and keep trying to make it work. It is worthwhile to check out Navigate – their internship program provides an opportunity to meet with other entrepreneurs and learn about funding programs. Potential entrepreneurs, Grenfell and CNA students, should stop by and get to know manager Allison Rowe and the others involved in the program.
