March 2022 Newsletter




Upcoming events and opportunities
Entrepreneur Spotlight – Grand Opening of Mexican Restaurant, Tlacuache!

In case you missed it – Recap and video link to our February Entrepreneur Ecosystem Coffee Break: Perfecting The Pitch

Navigate News – Navigate joins forces with MITACS! Support Agency Spotlight – MITACS
Calling all mentors!
How to connect with us!



Navigate presents: March Entrepreneur Ecosystem Coffee Break – Let’s Get Social!

“There is nothing more powerful than a new idea in the hands of a social entrepreneur.” – Bill Drayton

Once considered a fringe of the philanthropic few, social entrepreneurship as a movement is moving fast into the mainstream. Public and private sector business owners alike are finding innovative ways to put social value creation at the heart of their businesses and are becoming agents of the change they want to see in the world. Customers, too, are choosing to spend their dollars where they will have the most positive impact and are holding businesses to a higher standard than ever before.

Join us on March 22 with special guest speakers from the MUN Centre for Social Enterprise to learn more about social entrepreneurship and the many ways you can integrate positive social change into the way you do business. March 22nd from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Please register in advance!

This is a free online event.

In partnership with Spicer Facilitation and Learningpage3image24886080page3image27241648page3image24886272

NLOWE presents Tarah Wheeler on International Women’s Day March 8th from 2 – 3:30 pm | Virtual Event


NLOWE presents a live webinar and the opportunity to learn from Tarah Wheeler, leading cybersecurity expert.

An accomplished information security researcher, Tarah is a political scientist, Fulbright Scholar and author of the best-selling book Women in Tech: Take Your Career to the Next Level with Practical Advice and Inspiring Stories.

Some of the topics we’ll explore are:

  • Cybersecurity is business support – just as necessary as keeping the lights on and training employees.
  • One of the fundamental practices for a modern business is keeping the company’s digital assets safe.
  • Cybersecurity is as valued as the Human Resources and Legal departments.
  • Securing assets before an attack can occur has become the priority versus cleaning up after a cyberattack.Bio:Tarah Wheeler is an information security researcher and social scientist. She is CEO of Red Queen Technologies, a security firm. She is a New America international security fellow, a cybersecurity fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and a Fulbright scholar in cybersecurity.Register here!page5image24902848page5image27240400

CBDC Recruitment Event March 9th, 1:30 pm

CBDC Humber is excited to be partnering with Hire For Talent to Host a Leading Inclusion Workshop. This event is open to any entrepreneur in the CBDC Humber service area which covers Corner Brook, Bay of Islands, Humber Valley, White Bay, and Gros Morne.

Better Financial Management for your Business with Keen Payroll & Bookkeeping
March 10th, 10 – 11 am I Virtual Event

In this webinar, we will share tips on how to organize your financial records so that you can capture accurate and timely information, manage the performance of yourpage6image24902272page6image27242064page7image24901312

business, meet CRA filing deadlines, and ensure you’re making the best decisions for your business moving forward.

Some of the topics that will be covered are:

  • Starting off with a plan/budget.
  • Keeping a schedule.
  • Understanding the why?
  • Basic tips for filing HST
  • Understanding payroll
  • Reading financial reports 101

Free for Members / $10 for Non-Members

Register here!


Supplier Diversity with NLOWE and Marathon Gold March 15th, 10 am – 12 pm I Free Virtual Event

NLOWE together with Marathon Gold presents a Supplier Diversity event aimed at increasing women owned businesses participating in the supply chain in
mining. Join us as NLOWE provides an overview of our Supplier Diversity activities. Marathon Gold will then present on their Gender Equity Diversity and Inclusion Plan as it relates to the Valentine Gold Project in central NL. They will discuss how they will create opportunities to work with women owned businesses as part of their Business Access Strategy.

Register here!

Upcoming funding opportunity with Memorial Centre for Entrepreneurship (MCE)

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The Mel Woodward Cup is an exciting startup competition organized by the Memorial Centre for Entrepreneurship (MCE) and generously supported by members of the business community. The primary objective of this competition is to help accelerate the most innovative and high-potential student-led startups at Memorial University.

Annually, two students or teams respectively win $25,000 and $15,000 of leverageable funding and additional in-kind prizes from partners. All applicants will also receive feedback from judges on their startup idea and be able to share their applications with partners for further opportunities. For the 2022 Mel Woodward Cup, MCE will also award an “Entrepreneurship Award for Women or Non-binary Leadership” ($2,500) and an “Entrepreneurship Award for an Early-stage Idea” ($2,500).

This competition has been built on the memory of Dr. Mel Woodward, an entrepreneur who started his journey on a dream and a truck. Read more about Dr. Woodward HERE.

Top eight interviews (in-person) – March 8

Top five finalists announced – March 11

2022 MWC Finals (in-person) – March 23

For details, visit the website. page9image24898624page10image27243104

Aspiring entrepreneurs: Kickstart your business with a solid plan

Futurpreneur and RBC Future Launch proudly present Rock My Business, a free, virtual, three-part workshop series that will help you develop your idea, get started on your business plan and create a viable cashflow for your business—all while connecting with like-minded entrepreneurs in your community and across Canada.

If you’re aged 18-39 and need direction to develop your business idea, have a strong business idea OR recently launched a small business that you’d like to grow, register today for our next series of workshops.

BIG news for aspiring small business owners: You could win $10,000 to help launch your start-up! Futurpreneur and RBC proudly present the RBC Rock My Business Startup Awards, eight awards of $10k each given annually to diverse, young, aspiring entrepreneurs from across Canada, helping kickstart their businesses. Learn how to apply for the awards here!

Upcoming Sessions

Workshop 1: Rock My Business Idea

Monday, March 28th, 9 am – 12 pmpage11image24896128

Take this workshop if you have a new business idea and want to test its viability before developing your business plan.

Participants will:

  • Learn how to develop an entrepreneurial mindset
  • Learn how to make their business idea more viable
  • Identify and learn how to overcome key gaps to achieve business viability
  • Set a short-term goal with timelines and actions to move their businessforward


Register here!



Missing that annual trip down south and craving some real Mexican cuisine or just looking for some new flavours to excite your taste buds? Tlacuache to the rescue!

Celebrating its grand opening in mid-March, Tlacuache, Corner Brook’s first authentic Mexican restaurant, has an array of culinary delights to whet the hungry palate. Restaurant owners Jorgepage11image24895552